Friday, August 26, 2016

Paradoxes That Appear in Scientific Theories

Paradoxes in Scientific Inference
Mark Chang
CRC Press, 15-Oct-2012 - Computers - 291 pages

Paradoxes are poems of science and philosophy that collectively allow us to address broad multidisciplinary issues within a microcosm. A true paradox is a source of creativity and a concise expression that delivers a profound idea and provokes a wild and endless imagination. The study of paradoxes leads to ultimate clarity and, at the same time, indisputably challenges your mind.

Paradoxes in Scientific Inference analyzes paradoxes from many different perspectives: statistics, mathematics, philosophy, science, artificial intelligence, and more. The book elaborates on findings and reaches new and exciting conclusions. It challenges your knowledge, intuition, and conventional wisdom, compelling you to adjust your way of thinking. Ultimately, you will learn effective scientific inference through studying the paradoxes.

The Role of Paradox in Science and Mathematics
by Robert M. Panoff, Shodor Education Foundation
and Michael J. South,

What, Exactly, is a Paradox?
William G. Lycan
University of North Carolina

Quine divides paradoxes into three groups. A “veridical” paradox is one whose
“proposition” or conclusion is in fact true despite its air of absurdity. We decide that a
paradox is veridical when we look carefully at the argument and it convinces us, i.e., it
manages to show us how it is that the conclusion is true after all and appearances to the
contrary were misleading.

A “falsidical” paradox is one whose “proposition” or conclusion is indeed obviously
false or self-contradictory, but which contains a fallacy that is detectably responsible for
delivering the absurd conclusion. We decide that a paradox is falsidical when we look
carefully at the argument and spot the fallacy.

Oddly, Quine does not mention a third related category, the obverse of a veridical
paradox: the argument in question could have an obviously false or self-contradictory
conclusion, yet rest on no error of reasoning however subtle—so long as it has a premise
that looks for all the world true until we let the argument itself show us that and how the
premise is false after all. We might call this sort of paradox, for want of better, “premise-flawed.” 

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

The Paradoxical Foundation of Strategic Management - Andreas Rasche - Book Information

The Paradoxical Foundation of Strategic Management

Andreas Rasche
Springer Science & Business Media, 25-Oct-2007 - Business & Economics - 345 pages

At last – a systematic critique of the scientific discourse of strategic management. This fantastic book uncovers scholars' unquestioned assumptions and shows that by upholding these assumptions researchers obscure the paradoxical nature of strategic reasoning. To uncover the paradoxes of strategic management the author refers to the philosophy of Jacques Derrida. He delves into the internal contradictions that inevitably occur when theorizing about corporate strategy along the dimensions strategy context, process, and content and shows how these paradoxes can enrich future thinking about strategic problems.

Management and Business Research - Easterby-Smith, Thorpe, and Jackson - Firth Edition - Book Information

Management and Business Research

Front Cover
Mark Easterby-Smith, Richard Thorpe, Paul R Jackson
SAGE, 21-Apr-2015 - Business & Economics - 400 pages
0 Reviews

Now in its Fifth Edition, this much-loved text offers theoretical and philosophical depth as well as insights into practice.

The text covers the entire research process in an accessible way and provides critical, thoughtful treatment of important issues like ethics and politics, making it an invaluable companion for any business and management student

New to the Fifth Edition:

Expanded to include examples from across business and management including Marketing, International Business and Psychology
Up-to-date, international examples and cases from a range of countries
Introductory chapter looks at writing proposals in detail
Chapter on the literature review now includes how to critically review
Move towards new technologies and social media including discussion of wikis and cloud sourcing
Improved structure and flow, with three chapters on qualitative methods and three on quantitative methods
Additional practical exercises which are linked to key research tasks throughout

The companion website ( offers a wealth of resources for both lecturers and students including, for lecturers, an instructor's manual and PowerPoint slides and, for students, author podcasts, journal articles, web links, MCQs, datasets and a glossary.