Monday, January 31, 2022

Moderating and Mediating Variables

Mediating variable acts as an intermediate variable between independent variable and the criterion variable (dependent variable). Unless the mediating variable is present, the effect between independent variable and criterion variable will be insignificant.

The correlation between the predictor and the mediator variables, and the correlation between the mediator and criterion variables should be significant. The correlation between predictor and criterion should be reduced (to zero in the case of total mediation) after controlling the relation between the mediator and criterion variables.

Moderating variable increases or decreases the effect of an independent variable on the criterion variable (dependent variable).

In analysis of variance (ANOVA), a basic moderator effect can be represented as an interaction between an independent variable and another variable.


Investigation the mediating variable: What is necessary? (case study in management research)
Solimun , Adji Achmad Rinaldo Fernandes 
International Journal of Law and Management

The Mediating Role of Perception in the Relationship between 
by Z Akinci · 2018 ·  — As a result of the correlation analysis, a positive relation was identified between the expectation, perception, and satisfaction variables.

Types of variables in research propositions  - not working

ud. 2.1.2022
pub. 10.9.2016

Research Dilemmas - Research Paradigms

Novelty in Science:A guide for reviewers
Michael J. Black
The Perceiving Systems Department is a leading Computer Vision group in Germany.
We are part of the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems in Tübingen — the heart of Cyber Valley.

Issues In Educational Research, Vol 16, 2006

Research dilemmas: Paradigms, methods and methodology

Noella Mackenzie and Sally Knipe
Charles Sturt University
There is considerable literature to support the use of mixed methods. The authors review current research literature and discuss some of the language, which can prove confusing to the early career researcher and problematic for post-graduate supervisors and teachers of research. The authors argue that discussions of research methods in research texts and university courses should include mixed methods and should address the perceived dichotomy between qualitative and quantitative research methodology.

Social scientists have come to abandon the spurious choice between qualitative and quantitative data; they are concerned rather with that combination of both which makes use of the most valuable features of each. The problem becomes one of determining at which points he [sic] should adopt the one, and at which the other, approach (Merton & Kendall, 1946, pp.556-557).



Critical Theory Paradigm

Ud. 1.2.2022
Pub. 2.10.2014

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Business and Management Research in Perspective - Dan Remenyi - Chapter Summary

“What is different about research in business and management studies and other  natural and social sciences?”

First of all,  the stakeholders who have a direct interest in business and management research are different from those with interests in areas such as anthropology, education, sociology, psychology and other social sciences.

Second, whatever stakeholder group is being considered in business and management studies there is a strong emphasis on the application  of knowledge rather than on the creation of knowledge for its own sake.

The third issue which makes business and management research different from other subjects in social science is the very broad nature of this field of study.  Business and management studies range from enquiries into stock markets to debates as to how to display the merchandise on the shelves of supermarkets.

The fourth important issue that distinguishes business and management research is the context in which the research takes place.  The fast  pace of change in  both the theory and practice of management creates a challenging context in which to conduct research . For example, in strategic management, a move away from the design school approach to the resource-based view of the firm took place in just a few years.

Should highlight that business and management is a field of study within the broad scope of the social sciences, and thus the research methodologies available to students in business and management studies will be drawn from those also available to other social sciences. (Even though the other says this, operations and supply chain activities of many organization have physical and natural sciences and engineering as their foundation. Hence the entire management research cannot be conducted by social science research methods alone. Productivity research and developing productivity science has to investigate many physical and natural science processes and engineering processes.)

The PhD Degree

To obtain a PhD a candidate needs to have undertaken a substantial programme of original research and in so doing to have produced a material dissertation that makes a valuable and significant contribution to the body of knowledge.

For this degree to be awarded it is essential that the contribution made by the researcher is regarded by his or her examiner to have added something of value to the discipline which is being researched. The contribution made to the body of knowledge may in fact be quite small and indeed it is often said that a PhD adds only  a few grains of new knowledge to an already established mountain. However, this does not detract from the value of the degree, which owes as much to a demonstration that the candidate has mastered the research process and the self-development of the degree candidate as it does to the actual result achieved.

While the PhD dissertation needs to be original, such originality (Howard and Sharp, 1983) may have one or more dimensions. Originality can be based on the fact that a new theory is being developed; it can be related to a new or novel research methodology that has been developed in the research programme. Or it can be because the domain in which the theory and the methodology are being applied has not previously been studied in this way.

A PhD candidate is expected to be fully familiar with all the literature appertaining to the subject area that is being researched as well as having a broad knowledge and understanding of the discipline in general.  The candidate has to show he or she has understanding of the discipline in general.

The candidate has to show he or she has understood well the discipline and then extend the body of knowledge by developing a new dimension of the discipline.  Candidate to know the range of research methodologies available.  This is because the researcher has to claim  and demonstrate that a sound approach has been taken to do the research.

Updated on 18.1.2022,  16 July 2019, 2 June 2013