Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Productivity Related Research

Productivity and Indoor Environmental Conditions Research: An Annotated Bibliography for Facility Engineers
Front Cover
DIANE Publishing

Productivity and Inequality
Front Cover
William H. Greene, Lynda Khalaf, Paul Makdissi, Robin C. Sickles, Michael Veall, Marcel-Cristian Voia
Springer, 02-Feb-2018 - Business & Economics - 336 pages
0 Reviews

The volume highlights the state-of-the-art knowledge (including data analysis) of productivity, inequality and efficiency analysis. It showcases a selection of the best papers from the 9th North American Productivity Workshop. These papers are relevant to academia, but also to public and private sectors in terms of the challenges that firms, financial institutions, governments, and individuals may face when dealing with economic and education related activities that lead to increase or decrease of productivity. The volume also aims to bring together ideas from different parts of the world about the challenges those local economies and institutions may face when changes in productivity are observed. These contributions focus on theoretical and empirical research in areas including productivity, production theory and efficiency measurement in economics, management science, operation research, public administration, and education.

The North American Productivity Workshop (NAPW) brings together academic scholars and practitioners in the field of productivity and efficiency analysis from all over the world, and this proceedings volume is a reflection of this mission. The papers in this volume also address general topics as education, health, energy, finance, agriculture, transport, utilities, and economic development, among others. The editors are comprised of the 2016 local organizers, program committee members, and celebrated guest conference speakers.

Research Methods for Engineers

Research Methods for Engineers
David V. Thiel
Cambridge University Press, 11-Sep-2014 - Science - 291 pages

Learn how to plan for success with this hands-on guide to conducting high-quality engineering research. Plan and implement your next project for maximum impact: step-by-step instructions cover every stage in engineering research, from the identification of an appropriate research topic through to the successful presentation of results. Improve your research outcomes: discover essential tools and methods for producing high-quality, rigorous research, including statistical analysis, survey design, and optimisation techniques. Research with purpose and direction: clear explanations, real-world examples, and over 50 customisable end-of-chapter exercises, all written with the practical and ethical considerations of engineering in mind.

A unique engineering perspective: written especially for engineers, and relevant across all engineering disciplines.

Research Project Karne Ke Liye Avashyak Margdarshan - Research Methodology Book in Hindi - Information

Research Project Karne Ke Liye Avashyak Margdarshan
Front Cover
Zina O'Leary
SAGE Publishing India, 20-Nov-2017 - Social Science - 344 pages

Hindi translation of the book by Zina O'Leary is now available.

Preview the book

Sanshodhan Prakalp Kasa Karava - Research Methodology In Marathi - Information

Sanshodhan Prakalp Kasa Karava

Sanshodhan Prakalp Kasa Karava - Yababtache Aavashyak Margdarshak: Yababatche Avashyak Margdarshak
Front Cover
Zina O'Leary
SAGE Publishing India, 20-Nov-2017 - Education - 392 pages

This book is now as a Marathi translation. Please preview it.

The Essential Guide to Doing Your Research Project - Zina O'Leary - Book Information & Introduction

The Essential Guide to Doing Your Research Project
Zina O'Leary
SAGE, 20-Mar-2017 - Social Science - 415 pages

The ultimate companion to successfully completing your research project, the author guides you through a step-by-step approach to research and provides all of the skills and momentum you need to excel. Each stage of a project is clearly set out with best practice highlighted alongside pragmatic advice for tackling research in the real world.

The Third Edition uses multidisciplinary case studies, and examples from the author’s own experience, to answer your questions and support your progress as you move smoothly through each stage. There is a new chapter on mixed methods approaches, disseminating research,  practical and legal implications of ethics and more international examples.

The book is packed full of learning features and tools to support your journey, including:

A fully-developed website with podcasts, videos, journal articles and examples of real projects
Activities and worksheets to help you organize your time
Learning objectives to sustain your momentum
Top tips relating to key research skills
Full glossary to test understanding and provide definitions
Annotated further reading to help you move through the literature
‘Excuse me, I have a question!’ feature to answer common questions.

The Essential Guide to Doing Your Research Project
Zina O'Leary
2nd Edition
SAGE, 21-Oct-2009 - Reference - 320 pages

The Essential Guide to Doing Your Research Project gives students the knowledge and skills they need to get from 'clueless' to 'completed'. This highly readable text guides the reader through each stage of their research project, from getting started to writing up, with each chapter clearly explaining a step along the way.

This new edition retains the warmth, wit and grounded nature of the first, while providing tools to help students through the ins and outs of their own projects, and addressing the key questions students need to tackle, such as:

- What is this thing called research and why do it?

- How can I assure that my research project has integrity?

- How to I develop a researchable question?

- How do I construct a winning proposal?

- What exactly is expected in a literature review?

- What options are there in qualitative, quantitative, mixed and more purposive methodological designs?

- Is it best to work with a sample, key informants, or a case?

- What data collection options are there and how do I choose?

- How should I work with my quantitative data?

- What should I do with my qualitative data?

- How in the world will I capture this on paper?

This is an inspiring book full of down-to-earth advice, illuminating figures and diagrams and engaging real life examples. With this book as your personal mentor, a successfully completed research project is well within reach.

Researching Real-World Problems: A Guide to Methods of Inquiry

Zina O'Leary
SAGE, 4 nov. 2005 - 312 páginas

This is the perfect book for any student new to Research Methods. It is brilliantly written, witty, and always easy to understand.

Taking as her starting point the need for students to conduct research for themselves in the `real world', Zina O'Leary guides those new to research through the whys and how-tos of the entire research process. Always student-focused, this book offers a hands on and practical guide to the research process from the initial process of coming up with a good question, via methods of gathering information, through to the writing process itself.

Researching Real-World Problems:

- Makes the entire research process a meaningful experience

- Provides a jargon-busting hands-on guide to the entire research process

- Is illustrated throughout with real-life examples

- Speaks directly to the needs of the new researcher

- Locates the researcher and research process at heart of a complex web of social structures

- Provides via the Companion Website link above, PowerPoint slides that cover all 12 chapters of the book. They can be printed out as separate transparencies or used in PowerPoint based lectures. They would also be suitable for applications in e-learning/ web-based teaching.

O'Leary draws her examples from the full range of the Social Sciences, and this is the perfect text for any student in Health, Education or Applied Social Science.

Research Methodology - Simple Explanation of Various Steps - Zina O'Leary

The Essential Guide to Doing Your Research Project
Zina O'Leary
SAGE, 20-Mar-2017 - Social Science - 415 pages

The ultimate companion to successfully completing your research project, the author guides you through a step-by-step approach to research and provides all of the skills and momentum you need to excel. Each stage of a project is clearly set out with best practice highlighted alongside pragmatic advice for tackling research in the real world.

The Third Edition uses multidisciplinary case studies, and examples from the author’s own experience, to answer your questions and support your progress as you move smoothly through each stage. There is a new chapter on mixed methods approaches, disseminating research,  practical and legal implications of ethics and more international examples.

The book is packed full of learning features and tools to support your journey, including:

A fully-developed website with podcasts, videos, journal articles and examples of real projects
Activities and worksheets to help you organize your time
Learning objectives to sustain your momentum
Top tips relating to key research skills
Full glossary to test understanding and provide definitions
Annotated further reading to help you move through the literature
‘Excuse me, I have a question!’ feature to answer common questions.

The videos are based on the book


More videos are there on YouTube



What is Research?

The Oxford English Dictionary (2002) defines research as, ‘the systematic study of materials and sources in order to establish facts and reach new conclusions’. This is straightforward, but in practice research is often an open-ended process that is likely to generate as many questions as it does answers.   (Zina O'Leary,  1ed.)

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Types of Research and Research Designs

Encyclopedia of Research Design, Volume 1

Neil J. Salkind
SAGE, 2010 - Philosophy - 1736 pages

To request a free 30-day online trial to this product, visit

Research design can be daunting for all types of researchers. At its heart it might be described as a formalized approach toward problem solving, thinking, and acquiring knowledge—the success of which depends upon clearly defined objectives and appropriate choice of statistical tools, tests, and analysis to meet a project's objectives.

Comprising more than 500 entries, the Encyclopedia of Research Design explains how to make decisions about research design, undertake research projects in an ethical manner, interpret and draw valid inferences from data, and evaluate experiment design strategies and results. Two additional features carry this encyclopedia far above other works in the field: bibliographic entries devoted to significant articles in the history of research design and reviews of contemporary tools, such as software and statistical procedures, used to analyze results.

Key Features

Covers the spectrum of research design strategies, from material presented in introductory classes to topics necessary in graduate research
Addresses cross- and multidisciplinary research needs, with many examples drawn from the social and behavioral sciences, neurosciences, and biomedical and life sciences
Provides summaries of advantages and disadvantages of often-used strategies
Uses hundreds of sample tables, figures, and equations based on real-life cases
Key Themes
Descriptive Statistics


Graphical Displays of Data

Hypothesis Testing

Important Publications

Inferential Statistics

Item Response Theory

Mathematical Concepts

Measurement Concepts



Qualitative Research

Reliability of Scores

Research Design Concepts

Research Designs

Research Ethics

Research Process

Research Validity Issues



Software Applications

Statistical Assumptions

Statistical Concepts

Statistical Procedures

Statistical Tests

Theories, Laws, and Principles

Types of Variables

Validity of Scores

The Encyclopedia of Research Design is the perfect instrument for new learners as well as experienced researchers to explore both the original and newest branches of the field.

Case Theory in Business and Management: Reinventing Case Study Research

Evert Gummesson
SAGE, 25-Jan-2017 - Business & Economics - 368 pages

'This meticulous book submits research and the research process to deep scrutiny. It debunks the unhelpful dichotomy between quantitative and qualitative research and highlights the great value of multi-method and interactive research, approaches that have greatly deepened our thinking.'

– Professor Adrian Payne, University of New South Wales, Australia / Professor Pennie Frow, University of Sydney

Setting out to dispel the argument that case study research lacks the science, theory and therefore validity of other forms of research, Evert Gummesson combines many decades of experience as both a renowned scholar and a reflective practitioner to effectively bridge the divide between case theory and how it is applied in practice.

Bringing the fundamental strengths of cases to the fore, Gummesson introduces the 'Case Theory' concept as an expanded version of case study research which includes both methodology and the types of results that emerge by:

Guiding the reader in the theoretical and philosophical underpinning Demonstrating how to translate theory to pertinent research practice that address the real and consequential issues in business and management today.

This book will appeal to students, academics and researchers who are interested in the science and philosophy behind case study research as well as the methodology and a thought-provoking read for anyone who wants to be challenged about their belief of case study theory.

Updated  18 July 2018
First pub 29 April 2012