Financial Times Top 50 Journals Used in Business School Research Rankings
The list below details the 50 journals used by the Financial Times in compiling the FT Research rank, included in the Global MBA, EMBA and Online MBA rankings.
1. Academy of Management Journal
2. Academy of Management Review
3. Accounting, Organizations and Society
4. Administrative Science Quarterly
5. American Economic Review
6. Contemporary Accounting Research
7. Econometrica
8. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice
9. Harvard Business Review
10. Human Relations*
11. Human Resource Management
12. Information Systems Research
13. Journal of Accounting and Economics
14. Journal of Accounting Research
15. Journal of Applied Psychology
16. Journal of Business Ethics
17. Journal of Business Venturing
18. Journal of Consumer Psychology
19. Journal of Consumer Research
20. Journal of Finance
21. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis
22. Journal of Financial Economics
23. Journal of International Business Studies
24. Journal of Management*
25. Journal of Management Information Systems*
26. Journal of Management Studies
27. Journal of Marketing
28. Journal of Marketing Research
29. Journal of Operations Management
30. Journal of Political Economy
31. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science*
32. Management Science
33. Manufacturing and Service Operations Management*
34. Marketing Science
35. MIS Quarterly
36. Operations Research
37. Organization Science
38. Organization Studies
39. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes
40. Production and Operations Management
41. Quarterly Journal of Economics
42. Research Policy*
43. Review of Accounting Studies
44. Review of Economic Studies*
45. Review of Finance*
46. Review of Financial Studies
47. Sloan Management Review
48. Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal*
49. Strategic Management Journal
50. The Accounting Review
Ranking of Journals in Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering
593 journals are ranked, number of papers and citations per paper are provided. of Industrial Engineering International
Journal of Industrial Engineering International is a peer-reviewed open access journal published under the brand SpringerOpen, covering all aspects of industrial engineering. It is fully supported by the Islamic Azad University, who provide funds to cover all costs of publication, including the Article Processing Charges (APC’s) for all authors. Therefore the journal is both free to read and free to publish in.
Journal of Industrial and Production Engineering
Official Journal of the Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers
Volume 32, Issue 2, 2015
International Journal of Applied Industrial Engineering (IJAIE)
Editor-in-Chief: Lanndon Ocampo (University of the Philippines Cebu, Philippines)Indexed In: INSPEC and 10 more indices
Published: Semi-Annually |Established: 2012
Topics Covered
Business and strategy
Case studies in industry and services
Decision analysis
Engineering economy and cost estimation
Enterprise resource planning and ERPII
Facility location, layout, design, and materials handling
Forecasting, production planning, and control
Human factors, ergonomics, and safety
Industrial engineering education
Information and communication technology and systems
Innovation, knowledge management, and organizational learning
Inventory, logistics, and transportation
Knowledge and technology transfers in a globalized network
Manufacturing, control, and automation
Operations management
Performance analysis
Product and process design and management
Project Management
Purchasing and procurement
Reliability and maintenance engineering
Scheduling in industry and service
Service systems and service management
Supply chain management
Systems and service modeling and simulation
Technology transfer and management
Third party/fourth party logistics
Total quality management and quality engineering
European Journal of Industrial Engineering
International Journal of Industrial Engineering Computations
International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering
Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management
International Journal of Industrial Engineering : Theory Applications and Practice
South African Journal of Industrial Engineering
Jordan Journal of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management
Journal of Japan Industrial Management Association
Engineering Optimization
International Journal of Industrial Engineering & Production Research
Journal of Productivity Analysis
International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management
International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management
ISSN: 1741-0401
Previously published as: Work Study
Journal of Productivity Analysis
International Journal of Productivity Management and Assessment Technologies (IJPMAT)
International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management (IJPQM)
Editor in ChiefProf. Angappa Gunasekaran
ISSN online
ISSN print
12 issues per year
A Scopus indexed journal
Productivity and quality are integral components of organisations' operational strategies. Productivity plays an important role at both macro and micro levels. At micro-level, firms use productivity as a performance measure to benchmark against best-in-class companies to identify best practices. Quality management has become an important part of management culture, particularly in new enterprises characterised by supply chain, e-commerce and virtual enterprise environments. IJPQM addresses strategies, techniques and tools for productivity and quality management and improvement in manufacturing and service organisations.
Topics covered include
A perspective on the needs, issues, enablers
Strategic alliances based on core competences, BPR
Problem areas, types of solutions, tools/techniques
Productivity and quality improvement strategies/standards
Link between competitiveness and productivity/quality improvement
Measures/metrics, benchmarking, best practices
Functional/enterprise integration/management
Empirical research/case studies
Software products, IT/IS, e.g. www, EDI, RFID, ERP
Six sigma approach, continuous improvement, knowledge management
Design/implementation of productivity/QMS
Green/environmental productivity/quality, TQM, QFD
Total productivity management, productivity function deployment
SPC and process capability analysis, FEMA
Supply chain/virtual enterprise environments, SMEs
IJPQM is indexed in:
Scopus (Elsevier)
Academic OneFile (Gale)
Expanded Academic ASAP (Gale)
Business Collection (Gale)
IJPQM is listed in:
Agenzia Nazionale di Valutazione del sistema Universitario e della Ricerca (ANVUR)
Cabell's Directory of Publishing Opportunities
Updated 18 July 2021
Pub 18 July 2018