Saturday, September 18, 2021

Case Study Research Methodology - Introduction and Bibliography

In case study research, limited number of instances of a phenomenon are studied in detail to develop theory or test theory. The sample is selected on the basis of convenience or power to develop the theory.

Yin wrote a book on case study research methodology.

See a note giving various questions to be answered in developing case study research proposal.

Case Theory in Business and Management: Reinventing Case Study Research

Evert Gummesson
SAGE, 25-Jan-2017 - Business & Economics - 368 pages

'This meticulous book submits research and the research process to deep scrutiny. It debunks the unhelpful dichotomy between quantitative and qualitative research and highlights the great value of multi-method and interactive research, approaches that have greatly deepened our thinking.'

– Professor Adrian Payne, University of New South Wales, Australia / Professor Pennie Frow, University of Sydney

Setting out to dispel the argument that case study research lacks the science, theory and therefore validity of other forms of research, Evert Gummesson combines many decades of experience as both a renowned scholar and a reflective practitioner to effectively bridge the divide between case theory and how it is applied in practice.

Bringing the fundamental strengths of cases to the fore, Gummesson introduces the 'Case Theory' concept as an expanded version of case study research which includes both methodology and the types of results that emerge by:

Guiding the reader in the theoretical and philosophical underpinning Demonstrating how to translate theory to pertinent research practice that address the real and consequential issues in business and management today.

This book will appeal to students, academics and researchers who are interested in the science and philosophy behind case study research as well as the methodology and a thought-provoking read for anyone who wants to be challenged about their belief of case study theory.

Ud 19.9.2021
Pub 2.11.2021

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