Saturday, April 14, 2012

Philosophy - Development Through Years and Philosophers - Knol Notes

This knol notes is based on The Story of Philosophy by Will Durant,

Philosophy - Knol Notes

The knol notes is based on The Story of Philosophy by Will Durant, Washington Square Press.

Preface to the second edition (Durant)

Human knowledge has become unmanageably vast.

What is the function of the professional teacher?
It should be to mediate between the specialist and the nation.
Will Durant has pointed out that Chinese and Hindu philosophies were not covered in the story.
Philosophy books are not for reading. They are to be studied and are to be understood using commentaries on them to make sense of them.

In the small statement "To The Reader", the author has said that It was an attempt to humanize knowledge by centering the story around certain dominant philosophers. He also stated that analysis belongs to science, and gives us knowledge; philosophy must provide a synthesis for wisdom.


Every science begins as a philosophy and ends as an art; it arises in hypothesis and flows into achievement.
Philosophy is a hypothetical interpretation of the unknown (as in metaphysics, or of the inexactly known (as in ethics or social philosophy); it is the front trench in the siege of truth.
Science is the captured territory; and behind it are those secure regions in which knowledge gained is converted into an art or practical item (culture) which is used in our imperfect but marvelous world.

Specifically, philosophy means and includes five fields of study and discourse: logic, esthetics, ethics, politics and metaphysics.

Logic is the study of ideal method in thought and research. Logic tries to understand and guide observation and introspection, deduction and induction, hypothesis and experiment, analysis and synthesis. Great events  in the history of thought are the improvements men have made in their methods of thinking and research.

Esthetics is the study of ideal form or beauty.

Ethics is the study of ideal conduct.

Politics is the study of ideal social organization.

Metaphysics is the study of ultimate reality of all things.

Great men speak to us only so far as we have in us the roots at least, of that which flowers out in them.

Socrates gave definite answers to two most difficult problems:  What is the meaning of virtue? What is the best state?

Plato: Plato's Dialogues is one of the priceless treasures of the world. The Republic is the best of them. In this there is discussion regarding justice. On being provoked by Socrates through repeated questioning, Thrasymachus, Sophist provides a definition or explanation for justice.

"I proclaim that might is right, and justice is the interest of the stronger.... The different forms of government make laws, democratic, aristocratic, or autocratic, with a view to their respective interests; and these laws, so made by them to serve their interests, they deliver to their subjects as 'justice"  and punish as 'unjust' any one who transgresses them." 

Plato's involvement in saving Socrates resulted in his leaving Athens in 399 B.C. He came back to Athens in 387 B.C. During this period, he travelled far and wide. He went to Egypt, Italy and Sicily. Some say he went up to Ganges and learned the mystic meditations of the Hindus and in the way he had interaction with Jews.


My Earlier Knols on Philosophy

Knol Sub-Directory - Philosophy - Intersting Knols
Knol Sub-Directory (Collection) - Philosophy - Interesting Knols

Philosophy - Subject Content
Some Philosophers and Their Contribution to Philosophy

Philosophy of Education

Original knol - 2543

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