Sunday, April 29, 2012

Security Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management - Concepts Used in Research Papers and Theses

Security Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management - Concepts Used in Research Papers and Theses

Security Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management - Concepts Used in Research Papers and Theses


Performance Persistence
We use the approach of Goetzmann and Ibbotson (1994) and Malkiel (1995).
A winner (loser) is defined as a fund that has achieved a rate of return over the calendar year that exceeds (is less than) the median fund return. Performance persistence or 'hot hands' occurs when winning is followed by winning in the subsequent year (s).
(Sinha, Rajeeva and Jog, Vijay, "Mutual Funds - Do They Add Value?", Proceedings of the International Confernece, 2005 on Emerging Securities Market, Vol. III,  Pp.1-30)

Collected Knols

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